Once you have populated these fields simply click the Generate button to create your chosen image. This will enable you to select several other options including font and background color as well font size.

After you have done that, choose one of the TTF fonts from the drop down list.

To utilise this tool you will need to add the text you want showcased on the image. Our Chicano font generator will take you to different font sizes, colors, and images which you can download and use in your web design, school project, or even your own logo. The sharp, rough edges usually filled with dark colors clearly show the beauty of the native Mexican artwork with the influence of the Spanish conquistadores. As we all know, Mexican heritage comes in various forms and styles, and one of them is the Chicano fonts which have been passed on from generation to generation. It is styled after the Mexican – American art movement or the El Movimiento. We usually associate Chicano fonts with tattoos, graffiti, murals, and gangsta fonts, but this beautiful lettering style is more than what you see on popular street gangs.